You Can Trust Me Again Poem

You can trust me as I will never let you down. You gave my life a true meaning. Loving you is different from loving another, and I will never give up on love because you have given me a reason to love again! I was a failure but you gave me all the redemption that my heart craves for.

You are my reason for a new belief. I will never let you down! You can trust me because it is just you and no one else. You can trust me because I will live my life with lovely feelings in all totality of your love. You are the reason why I am alive and I promise you this! I will never let you down!

Why not get up from the couch and read my collections of you can trust me, I will never let you down.

1. I lay all my love on you
You are the only who one
Who would make me wanna dive in
without thinking twice
You filled me up with the belief
That all will be well
You are so special in such an amazing way
You can trust me because I will never let you down

2 You can trust me because I will never let you down
You can be with me because I will never leave you out in the cold
You can believe me because my world is all for you
You are my sun, moon and stars

3 You can trust me
You can love me
You can believe me
I will never let you down

4 Let the Rain fall
Let the winds blow
Let the storm cry
I will never let you down

5 Trust is a decision that comes
With loving someone special
Trust has to do with putting all
Your life in someone's hands
I know you trust me because you love me
And I want to say that
You can trust me I will never let you down

6 You think you trust me enough?
I think I still need to work so much more
You think you have loved me enough!?
I think I still need to work so much more
You can trust me because I will never let you down

7 Your love speaks to me
Your kindness amazes me
Your life is unique in a special way
I love it when you say you love me
You can trust me because I will never let you down

8 I feel grateful each passing day
To God for sending you my way
I feel thankful each passing day
To you for loving me as the day breaks

9 You can cry all you want
But I will never let you down
You can smile for so much more
But I will never let you down
You can trust me everyday
Because I will never let you down

10 I will hold you close
Whenever you need my warm embrace
I will support you now
And whenever you need my shoulders to lean on
You know I love you and I care
I will never let you down

11 You have always encouraged me
Promise to encourage you too
You have always inspired me
I promise to inspire you too
You have always cared about me
I promise to care about you too

12 You have never been my number one
You have always been my only one
No matter what happens
I will never let you down

13 I will stand by you
Today, tomorrow till the very end
I will wipe away all your tears
And feel your pain with you
Whenever you are sad and nude
You can trust me because I will never let you down

14 My love
Even though distance is such a barrier right now
I want you to believe in me and in our love
And to trust me because I will never let you down

15 Even if our love fades
And things go a little too late
I will not break the oath I made
I will be here to always love and support you
You can trust me because I will never met you down

16 Remember the last time I said I love you?
I meant it with every breath so new
And please remember that forever for me
Means eternity with you
You can trust me because I will never let you down

17 I will be with you
Through the good the bad and the ugly
I will support you and reassure you
Whenever you are down and not out
You can trust me because I will never let you down

18 My heart beats for you
My body longs for you
I don't need to look out for another lover
You are everything to me
You can trust me because I will never let you down

19 I know there are many things
I should say to you to make you love me more
I only want you to give me that time
To show you that I can love you more
You can trust me because I will never let you down

20 There is one thing I need you to do
Instead of trusting me till I disappoint you
You can distrust me till I have done things
To show that I am worthy of your trust
I will never let you down

21 It takes years to build trust
Just like it takes seconds to fall in love
But if you can love and trust me now
I will never let you down

22 I will never lie to you
Because I want to be in total command
Of you love and trust
You can trust me always

23 What does trust do?
It allows you to share your deepest secrets
And fear with someone that you love
As you have shared your fears and deepest feelings with me
I promise never to let you down

24 You need to be careful
So that you don't give your trust
To someone so undeserving
As for me I know
That you can trust me because I will never let you down

25 God trusted me enough
Hence he gave me you
It is now time for you to trust me
because I will never let you down

You can trust me because I will never let you down – DeeDee


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